Setting up OpenFaaS on Linux with KinD
For the past few days I was searching for a good guide on how to set up and work with OpenFaaS on Linux. I could not find any complete guide and I thought of writing this to help the community.
This is a step by step guide on how to set up OpenFaaS on Linux.
You should have DOCKER installed on your machine. That’s it.
We can start now!
arkade Installation
“arkade” is a tool to install and deploy apps and services to Kubernetes. One can think of this as a package manager like “npm”.
To install “arkade” run:
$ curl -sLS | sudo sh
kubectl Installation
The Kubernetes command-line tool, kubectl, allows you to run commands against Kubernetes clusters.
$ arkade get kubectl
Follow the instructions given in the terminal to complete the installation.
The aim is to deploy our serverless functions on a local Kubernetes cluster so let’s set that up. We will be using a tool called KinD(Kubernetes in Docker) for this.
KinD Installation
To install KinD run:
$ curl -Lo ./kind
$ chmod +x ./kind
$ sudo mv ./kind /usr/local/bin/kind
KinD provides a shell script to create a Kubernetes cluster along with local Docker registry enabled. Save the following shell script on your device as
Then we have to make the file an executable
$ chmod +x
Now let’s run the executable
$ ./
Let’s make sure the kubectl context is set to the newly created cluster; run:
$ kubectl config current-context
If the result is not “kind-kind” then run:
$ kubectl config use kind-kind
Check whether your cluster and Docker registry is up and running
$ kubectl cluster-info
$ docker logs -f kind-registry
Deploying OpenFaaS to KinD cluster
Let’s use arkade to install OpenFaaS
$ arkade install openfaas
After 2,3 minutes check whether OpenFaaS is deployed.
$ kubectl get pods -n openfaas
To install the faas-cli run:
$ curl -SLsf | sudo sh
To forward the FaaS gateway to your machine
$ kubectl rollout status -n openfaas deploy/gateway
$ kubectl port-forward -n openfaas svc/gateway 8080:8080 &
Let’s now setup the basic auth so you can log into your gateway
$ PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret -n openfaas basic-auth -o jsonpath="{.data.basic-auth-password}" | base64 --decode; echo)
$ echo -n $PASSWORD | faas-cli login --username admin --password-stdin
The output of the following command is your gateway password.Save it in a secure place
$ echo $PASSWORD
Let’s deploy a dummy function and see if every thing works fine
$ faas-cli store deploy figlet
$ faas-cli list
You should see that “figlet” is now deployed.
Also, now you should be able to go to the OpenFaaS portal from your browser. (http://localhost:8080/ui/).
Username : admin | Password : {saved password}
That’s it. In the next article let’s see how we can write and deploy functions. Make sure you clap if you liked it.
[1] OpenFaaS documentation (
[2] Deploy your Serverless Python function locally with OpenFaas in Kubernetes (
[3] KinD Quick Start Guide (